Travelling through tissues one cell at a time: the Human Cell Atlas and barrier tissues

Sarah Teichmann, Ph.D.
Head of Cellular Genetics
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Dr. Teichmann is interested in global principles of regulation of gene expression and protein complexes, specifically in the context of immunity. She completed her Ph.D. at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Cambridge, England) and was a Beit Memorial Fellow at University College London. She started her group at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in 2001. In 2013, she moved to the Wellcome Genome Campus (Hinxton, England) jointly with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBO), European Bioinformatics Institute, and the Wellcome Sanger Institute. In January 2016 Dr. Teichmann became head of the Cellular Genetics Program at the WSI. She is a member of EMBO and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and her work has been recognized by a number of prizes, including the Lister Prize, Biochemical Society Colworth Medal, Royal Society Crick Lecture, EMBO Gold Medal, and the Mary Lyon Medal.
Genomics has undergone a resolution revolution, such that the nucleic acid content of individual cells are now sequenced routinely in highthroughput mode. Thus we can define the cellular composition of tissues in an unbiased and comprehensive way using single-cell transcriptomics, revealing the molecular fingerprint of cell states and their predicted signaling circuits in tissues across development and disease. Dr. Teichmann will illustrate this with the maternal-fetal interface in the first trimester placenta and decidua.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, August 11, 2021