Imaging Immunity
G. Burroughs Mider Lecture | to

Ronald N. Germain, M.D., Ph.D.
NIH Distinguished Investigator
Chief, Laboratory of Systems Biology
Associate Director, Trans-NIH Center for Human Immunology, Autoimmunity, and Inflammation
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Ronald N. Germain received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1976, the Ph.D. for research with B. Benacerraf, recipient of the 1980 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Since that time, he has investigated basic immunobiology, first on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and, since 1982, as the Chief, Lymphocyte Biology Section in the Laboratory of Immunology and now as Chief of the Laboratory of Systems Biology at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health. Dr. Germain has published more than 300 scholarly research papers and reviews. Among numerous honors, he was awarded the Landsteiner Medal of the Austrian Society for Allerology and Immunology (2008), elected as an Associate (foreign) Member of EMBO (2008), designated an NIH Distinguished Investigator (2011), chosen as an AAAS Fellow (2012), elected to the Institute of Medicine [now the National Academy of Medicine](2013), awarded the American Association of Immunologists Meritorious Career Award (2015), and has presented numerous named lectureships at major academic institutions in the US and abroad. He serves as an associate or advisory editor of the J Exp Med, eLife, Immunity, Current Biology, Mol Systems Biol, Int Immunol, BMC Biology, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, and Nature Scientific Reports, and has previously served as Deputy Editor of J Immunol and Editor, Immunity. He sits on several academic scientific advisory boards, helped co-found the NIH Immunology Interest Group and Systems Biology Interest Group, and acts as Associate Director for the trans-NIH Center for Human Immunology. He has trained more than 70 postdoctoral fellows, several of whom hold senior academic and administrative positions at leading universities and medical schools around the world.
Over the years, Dr. Germain and his colleagues have made key contributions to our understanding of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class II molecule structure–function relationships, the cell biology of antigen processing, and the molecular basis of T cell recognition. More recently, his laboratory has been focused on the relationship between immune tissue organization and dynamic control of adaptive immunity at both the initiation and effector stages. Experiments at the whole cell, tissue, and organism level are being used to build a more complete picture of the operation of the immune system, including those utilizing novel dynamic in situ microscopic live animal imaging methods that his laboratory helped pioneer a decade ago and new multiplex static imaging approaches he and his colleagues have developed more recently
This page was last updated on Wednesday, August 11, 2021